Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Lessons of the Flu

Well, here we are again, like in olden days. Happy golden days of yore. Or something.

Our cautionary tale today regards what happens to your writing schedule when you get the flu.

I ended up getting behind this weekend because the people that I was supposed to be workshopping with weren't at the point that I was on their projects. So, instead of getting to the outlining point that I needed to be at, we ended up just being at the brainstorming point for getting things going for them. What lesson did I learn from this adventure... I should have broken off and done my own thing. Since we'd decided in advance what we were supposed to be at the point of doing, and I was the only one there, I obviously wasn't going to be able to get the help from them that I wanted. Or, at least, I should've known that that was a definite possibility. I was glad to help them out, and that's part of the fun of workshopping, but in the end I didn't feel like I really got very far.

It wasn't a total loss, what we ended up doing was another Holly Lisle workshop on outlining which approached it from a different angle than my earlier synopsis workshop and helped add in a couple of things. The idea of 'candy bar' scenes was really great for the novel I'm working on.

Then, I caught the flu. This was bad enough that it meant I stayed home from work on Monday all day, only came in for a partial day on Tuesday, and then was home all day on Wednesday as well. I'm doing much better now. Just in time for the public library booksale that I'm a volunteer at all weekend long. The good news is that being surrounded by books generally means that I get inspired, so hopefully since the sale doesn't run too late (in fact it's probably more like I'm at work for a half day really) I'll still be able to get plenty done this weekend. But, I'm way behind.

Lesson learned from this, it's good to plan in that wiggle room so that when you get sick, you aren't behind. Now, I'm behind. I'm not so far behind that I think it's going to eat my lunch, but I'm enough behind that it's starting to worry me. I've got some pretty basic stuff left to figure out yet, and hopefully they'll fly by, but if they don't...

One of the things I need is a name for my book! So, here's my mini pitch:

Tilly is a freshman off to the big city to start at the U with her cousin. Everything seems to be going great until she wrecks her car over fall break, ends up in the hospital, and wakes up with super powers! It was bad enough when all she had to figure out was how to make it from one side of campus to the other, get a date with the cute guy from Bio lab, and nail her audition for her first college production, but now she's got to figure out how not to flood her dorm room when she has a nightmare on top of it!

The ones I've got so far are:

A Boy, a Girl, and Her Superpowers
Your Average Super Hero Freshman

This is, of course, just a working title. But, I'm horrible with working titles. So, thoughts?

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