Friday, October 21, 2005


We made it to the end of the week, my little novel and I. Last night was a tough one. We went over to my mother-in-law's for dinner and with full tummies they went to look at stuff on the interweb and I sat down with my notebook to put some stuff into it with a trusty holepuncher.

The good part of this was, I had done research at work during the day for some things I needed to puzzle out, and had gotten some good stuff that I wanted to file in my trusty notebook. And, since they have an 'Experts' board over on NaNoWriMo I found two people to answer my genetics questions that have been worrying in the back of my mind about putting together my book. So, I got to ask people who have a chance of knowing the answers some questions that I'll hopefully get answers to in the next few days.

Bad side, I got to turn on the idiot box and watch HGTV, which is like my reality show addiction. "I just want to see how this room comes out!" It's horrible. It's also a good thing I don't have it at home to distract me. What that meant was, when they got done working on stuff on the computer and asked if I wanted to watch more Battlestar Galactica, I had to be the party pooper and say that I needed to go home and get some work done.

However, my wonderful husband supported me and got right up and said that I was right and we should go. So I collected my writing implements and we said our goodbyes and headed home. To where I then had to set up again and get ready to get down to it. Starting was tricky. I was already pretty tired, and my tummy was still full, and I just wanted to go lay down on the couch and watch tv.

But, I didn't.

Instead not only did I get through my Carmichael Plotting/Synopsis Workshop and end up with a basic outline, but I also did the family tree for my characters that I'm going to need for later. I'll want to enter in some information into my mom's geneology program from what I've figured out so far, but I don't have to do that right away.

So for the weekend, my plan is to have a more expansive outine session on Sunday with the post-it notes workshop thing, and work on my conflicts a little more to flesh them out.

1 comment:

Diana Peterfreund said...

That's dedication, El! Good on the hubby to support you -- isn't he doing NaNo, too?

And I *love* Kathy's syn workshop.