Monday, October 31, 2005

Pre-Writing Jitters!

Note to self: Planning on working on just about anything after working at the booksale all day is a DUMB idea. Dumb dumb dumb. The brain, she is dead. Plus, while the getting books and being around books is indeed inspiring, it's inspiring only so far as to encourage the pursuit of writing in a general sense rather than a specific get your butt in gear sense.

So, tonight I must do the outline as the tricking costumed folk come by. After I go to the book sale AGAIN. Once I figure out how to get to the booksale. Since Visual Boy (that's the husband) is working there again this afternoon and needs me to rescue him from their clutches.

I've printed out a slew of campus maps from different sized universities, so I think I'm in pretty good shape to cobble one together. Same with the dorm rooms, I've gotten a bunch of floor plans for them which is good. It seems like there's a standard style of the layouts between three options, which is also good. It'll mean that the descriptions will be kind of universal on the way the room is put together.

I also need to come up with a little bit of area history to help with naming the buildings, though some of that I can just do on the fly I think. As long as I keep it consistant.

But, tomorrow's the big day! The sitting down and starting day! Hopefully I'll get the rest of this stuff done in time. :p

1 comment:

Jana DeLeon said...

Today is the day! I expect full support on the NaNo thing since you and Diana forced me into it. (grins)
