Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Journey Begins

Alright, we've made it through day one. I actually did get some pages in, even though I still haven't completely finished my outline.

I have a good rough outline in place, and I'm going to work more on it tonight to try and fill it in and polish it up. But, I got enough of it done last night that I could go ahead and start. The beginning isn't going to change, I knew where I had to start the story, so I went ahead and got a jump on it.

I also figured out my page/word count breakdowns for the month. My actual goal is a 90,000 word novel because I just think that 50,000 isn't going to give me enough length to tell the story with the subplots that I have going. I'd really like to get all 90,000 done this month, so we'll see if that's possible.

To just meet the Nanunanu challenge, I'll need to do around 1,667 words per day, which for me translates into around 6 pages. That's probably not going to be a problem for me because I tend to write pretty quickly on a first draft. So that's my base goal that I'm going to push to meet every day no matter what.

For my 90,000 word novel goal, it'll need to be 3,000 words per day with no weekends off, yielding around 11 pages every day. I think I can manage that if I push. Ten pages a day during the week was my standard goal when I was working on my last novel, but I tended not to work on weekends. If I do weekends, I should be able to make it. And since the whole point is to push yourself, I'm going to try and do that.

Last night, I didn't actually get to start writing until after 11pm. But! I got my pages in. I ended up at 1989 words and 7 pages for the first scene even though I got started late. Diana still beat me. :P But that's okay, I'll catch up!


Diana Peterfreund said...

I'm glad to see that you're actually WRITING! DOn't try to finish this month -- that way lies madness and burnout. And 90k -- isn't this book YA?

Jana DeLeon said...

Go Elly!!!!!!

Elly said...

Yeah, It's going to be YA, but I couldn't find an YA guidelines on the publishers websites that I looked at for word length. So I kind of guaged off the story. I figure I'll end up editing it all to heck at the end anyway, so the final word count will end up being completely different.