Friday, November 11, 2005


So, the cold almost bested me again last night, but didn't. I ended up clocking in 1,780. I did two of the most important scenes in the book, and I don't think I'm going to end up being really happy with them in the long run because (as evidenced by word count) they're really short. But, that's okay. I can go in and edit them up later.

I started to do a different scene before them and realized that I needed to figure out which play Tilly was going to be in in the book. Go to bookshelves... nothing there but Ren Drama. Well. One Tennessee Williams play and a short three person play by someone I don't remember in a general lit anthology. Nope.

So, I decided that I'd do some searching this morning when I got to work to figure that out. It was going to be hard to do the audition scene and not know what she was auditioning for. Much less what she was in during the rest of the book. I figured it'd take me a while to come up with because I wanted something that was going to relate to the themes of the book. Something with a smaller cast, not Shakespeare, and kind of subtle.

The next step was to try and think of how to search for that on Google. Which lead me to thinking of synonyms for my themes. Transformation... metamorphosis... And then I had it. No searching required. Zimmerman's Metamorphoses. It is absolutely perfect. I mean, perfect perfect. You'd think I'd thought of the play and then thought of the story perfect. I'm tickled.

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